“We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, your democratically elected President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, your Ambassador to Ireland H.E. Larysa Gerasko of the Embassy of Ukraine in Ireland and the people throughout the world who condemn the unacceptable invasion of your sovereign nation by Russia. This is a full scale invasion of a democratic state led by an out of control Vladimir Putin seeking to rebuild his nation with an outdated and century old failed strategy. The world must and should hold Putin and Russia fully accountable for this blatant violation of international law. This unprovoked attack by Russia is an attack on the world order of democracy and freedom and a direct threat to European security. Diplomacy is the process for resolving issues of conflict, not military action and Russia and Putin have lied to the world in their attempts to take control of their neighbour. The western world must now stand fully united behind Ukraine, her people and her right to choose her own political and legislative destiny, and Russia and it’s President Vladimir Putin must now face the toughest response and sanctions that the world can give them for this appalling, unacceptable and egregious act of war.”
Michael Mulcahy
Diplomat Ireland